Content Performance Indicator (CPI) is the heart and soul of smartocto Insights. It's an algorithm that shows how well your content is performing in comparison to other published articles on your website.
CPI takes into consideration dozens of different content performance metrics and examines their relations. It also weighs them differently according to three behavioral models:
- Exposure
- Engagement
- Loyalty
CPI is always presented in the form of a number, from 1 to 1000, with 500 being the baseline (a.k.a. the “norm”) for the observed website, section, topic, author, or article.
Scores above 500 indicate above-average performances, while numbers below 500 inform that a certain topic, author, section, or article is underperforming. Scores above 900 indicate exceptional performance.
CPI is measured at the article level and attributed back to the author, topic, and section CPI.
Interpreting CPI scores is pretty straightforward:
CPI score of 500 = baseline
CPI score < 500 = underperforming
CPI score > 900 = exceptional performance
Why is this scoring system useful? Well, with just one glance, you can understand what’s going on with your content. You can, for instance, identify articles that need promotion since they are performing well but lack exposure, or pinpoint potential gaps and flaws in your current paywall strategy and see which articles could be turned into premium ones.
To learn more about how CPI is actually calculated, please take a look at CPI perspectives.