Admin or superUser access

If you don’t have an Admin section in Realtime, you don’t have permission to manage users. Please send an email to

Adding user

1. Go to the Admin section in the bottom part of the side menu

2. Click on Users

3. Click on the plus sign to open a new page for adding users. You can also search to check if the user is already registered and it just needs to be invited

4. Fill in the info about the user. Users can have three types of access: User, superUser, or Admin

User is standard and it allows the use of Realtime application.

superUser can create only new users and assign them to brands they have access to. They cannot remove accounts, only brands access. They can create Waves dashboards.

Admin have all access but admin type is ONLY available to Smartocto employees.

NOTE: If neither superUser nor Admin are selected, a person will have only standard user access.


5. Select the brand you want the user to have access to

6. Click on Save User

7. Now that the user is added, on the right side of the user list, click on the invite button to invite the user to complete registration to Realtime app. If the user lost the invitation mail, the re-invite button will be available to send the invitation again.

Editing and removing user


1. On the list right side of the user list click on the Edit button

2. It will open the same setting like you are adding the user. You can change your email, name and provide additional access to other brands

3. To change the password, on the user list right side click on Generate password it will send an email with the new password

4. To remove the user simply click on the Remove button